Profile: Helen Ritchie

We asked 6 Cambridge women who bring Contemporary Art to the city to tell us about what they do. Helen Ritchie (Curatorial Associate, Department of Applied Arts, The Fitzwilliam Museum) What do you do for Contemporary Art in Cambridge? My role as Curatorial Associate in the Department of Applied Arts at The Fitzwilliam Museum involvesContinue reading “Profile: Helen Ritchie”

Profile: Akua Obeng-Frimpong

We asked 6 Cambridge women who bring Contemporary Art to the city to tell us about what they do. Akua Obeng-Frimpong (Arts Development Officer, Cambridge City Council) What do you do for Contemporary Art in Cambridge? I’m an arts development officer working for Cambridge City Council.  My role is to support and advocate for opportunitiesContinue reading “Profile: Akua Obeng-Frimpong”

Profile: Harriet Loffler

We asked 6 Cambridge women who bring Contemporary Art to the city to tell us about what they do. Harriet Loffler (Curator, New Hall Art Collection, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge) What do you do for Contemporary Art in Cambridge? I try to do as much as possible! Most of my time is spent looking afterContinue reading “Profile: Harriet Loffler”

Profile: Judith Weik

We asked 6 Cambridge women who bring contemporary art to the city to tell us about what they do. Judith Weik (Exhibitions Coordinator, Art at ARB/ Artist/ Communications Manager, CRASSH, University of Cambridge) What do you do for Contemporary Art in Cambridge? I am the exhibitions coordinator for Art at the Alison Richard Building, whichContinue reading “Profile: Judith Weik”

Profile: Amy Tobin

We asked 6 Cambridge women who bring Contemporary Art to the city to tell us about what they do. Dr Amy Tobin (Curator of Exhibitions, Research and Events, Kettle’s Yard/ Lecturer in the Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge) What do you do for Contemporary Art in Cambridge? I have a joint postContinue reading “Profile: Amy Tobin”

New Hall Art Collection

Curator, Harriet Loffler, writes about the extraordinary collection of art by women at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge. The New Hall Art Collection was started by women and celebrates art made by women, in a Cambridge college dedicated to the education of outstanding young women. Today, the Collection has over five hundred works of modern andContinue reading “New Hall Art Collection”


We are pleased to announce a series of talks and panel discussions exploring the exhibition WE ARE HERE: WOMEN IN ART AT CAMBRIDGE COLLEGES at The Heong Gallery at Downing College, Cambridge. In light of current restrictions, the symposium will be held as a ZOOM webinar. To ensure maximum participation (and minimal eye strain) theContinue reading “WE ARE HERE: WOMEN IN ART SYMPOSIUM”

Activity: Pencil Rubbing

Unlikely objects from the physical world around us can be combined into beautiful drawings. Let us show you how. You will need several sheets of paper, colour pencils and a collection of relatively flat objects. Leaves work just fine. Look for things that are fun to touch and have lots of edges and bumps. StepContinue reading “Activity: Pencil Rubbing”

‘They should melt it down. That would be the best thing. It could be reformed as a new work.’

We spoke to Alison Wilding OBE, RA this Monday about Edward Colston, lockdown, drawing, and the ‘stuff’ of everyday life. Interview by Prerona Prasad.

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